The Student Support Committee is a special education parent network. We support families of children who have, or are potentially in need of, 504s/IEPs. We work to promote a rewarding educational experience for all students by elevating awareness, acceptance and support throughout our schools and community. 

Contact us any time at septamufsd@gmail.com.  

What We Do

Connect: We hold events that provide opportunities for parents to network and support one another.

Educate:  We sponsor programs, panel discussions and speakers for parents.

Partner:  We fund staff grants that enhance the classroom experience for all children in the District. We also collaborate with our school district administration on behalf of programming for our students.


Road to College for Students with 504s/IEPs
Zoom Link: https://mamkschools-org.zoom.us/j/95862964720
February 24th, 7pm, Zoom
Transition Meeting for Incoming 6th Graders with 504s/IEPs
Zoom Link: https://mamkschools-org.zoom.us/j/95862964720
February 26th at 6pm
Parent Connection at the Nautilus Diner
1240 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck
February 27th, 9:30am
Parent Connection, Topic:  Road to College for Students with 504s/IEPs
Zoom Link: RSVP to septamufsd@gmail.com for link
March 3rd at 7pm
Parent Connection, Topic:  Transition to 6th Grade for Students with 504s/IEPs
Zoom Link: RSVP to septamufsd@gmail.com for link
March 5th at 7pm