Brown Bag Lunch for HMX Parents: “Letting Go to Let them Grow”

September 27, 2017 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Library Classroom
They want independence, but we’re still making their lunch!  Help your child child navigate these tricky middle school years by empowering their independence in the ‘right’ places, while offering support and boundaries. Let’s talk about where it makes sense to back off in order to build their confidence so they feel trusted, and when to step in and guide them to make safe, healthy choices.

Join Katie Sawyer & Alan Dienstag from the Mamaroneck Community Counseling Center for an engaging and helpful discussion.  The Hommocks PTA will be offering light bites and refreshments at this first workshop as a welcome to new and returning parents.  Please RSVP using the Signup Genius link RSVP Link Brown Bag Lunch #1

Hommocks PTA