CLICK HERE to sign up for shifts in the Library

Thank you all for your interest in volunteering your time to help the library this year! Please find a time slot that fits your schedule and enter your name. We generally try to have only two volunteers per shift, otherwise it gets a bit crowded. If you would like to volunteer for every week on your shift, please indicate “ALL” after your name or in the notes section. If you prefer to work every other week, please choose whether you would like to come when your day of the week is EVEN or ODD and indicate your preference (EVEN OR ODD) after your name or in the notes.  (Be sure to check your child’s specials schedule to coordinate.)  I will do my best to accommodate everyone’s requests.

The schedule is arranged by the dates of the first week the volunteer shifts begin and should be assumed to continue every week thereafter (I will coordinate with those of you who are alternating weeks personally by email).

There is a mandatory NEW VOLUNTEER TRAINING MEETING on Friday 9/30, 9-9:30 am when we will go over all the details of the volunteer responsibilities, mainly helping to check-in/check-out the students’ books using the computer, helping the students select books, and re-shelving the books that are returned. If you cannot make the meeting please email me and we can set up training with another experienced volunteer.

Thank you again, your time is very much appreciated!

Jennifer Hecht